Eurolog PF2 Tools

Welcome to the Eurolog Pathfinder 2e Toolset! These are Excel spreadsheet-based tools that are fan-created so please bear with any issues you may find with them. They are provided free of charge but if you want to contribute there is a Patreon link (details below). Despite the plethora of online tools we have found that an offline tool to manage your character is immensely useful and can complement the online tools like Foundry if you choose to use them. For the old school pen and paper brigade they automate a lot of calculations and prompts the player/GM to take appropriate actions in line with the official rules without tying you to them. You can then print them on pre-prepared reports for use at the table without the need for a laptop or tablet although there is functionality that these tools will help with during the game too.

What is Eurolog?

Eurolog, formerly known as the European League of Gamers, was created back in the mid-90s after attending Games Fair and Gen-Con and in recognition of the need to create a more professional approach to the hobby we all love and care about. We created the Battlemasters brand of gaming conventions where all genres were welcome with the prime brands being the D&D-based City of Sokal and the excellent Call of Cthulhu events lead by Mike Mason that were market-leading at the time. These were ably supported by many GMs and other game systems as well as the RPGA and our own Arena gladiatorial tabletop combat game. The good news is that the industry has vastly improved with WotC, Paizo, Chaosium and others who have significantly improved how the TTRPG environment is marketed and presented at shows and to the public in general. This meant that Eurolog went on hiatus but is now back as more of a representation of our love for the hobby and we hope to share the tools and ways of playing we have so we can help anyone currently or wanting to become involved in the hobby. Like many of you we have had to move to online play and this has presented challenges but also opportunity with fantastic VTT tools becoming more professional and available.